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Memoirs of a Geisha

In “Memoirs of a Geisha,” we enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl’s virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trained to beguile the...

9,32 $

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter is about to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unlike most schoolboys, Harry never enjoys his summer holidays, but this summer is even...

13,00 $

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Leading Issues

Leading Issues in e-Government Research Volume 2

Leading Issues in e-Government Research Volume 2 brings together a collection of papers looking at the latest ideas in the field. e-Government is a truly international research field which is...

53,24 $

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Special Projects

How can I get out of here? Hardback

How can I get out of here” is not only aimed at reaching children, but also families, psychotherapists and teachers, and can be used for those times when they may...

26,62 $

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Special Projects

EMDR for the Next Generation: Healing Children and Families

  Authors: Joanne Morris-Smith and Michel Silvestre Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited 260 Pages Published December 2013 ISBN: 978-1-909507-92-0 This book is about developing an integrative model of doing EMDR psychotherapy...

85,18 $

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An MBA Voyage of Discovery - Deep down the rabbit hole

n MBA Voyage of Discovery – Deep down the rabbit hole Dan Remenyi The story recounted in this book is my personal feelings about the Business School where I obtained my...

69,47 $

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Glossary of Cyber Warfare, Cyber Crime and Cyber Security

Eliza Doolittle, in the fabulous Broadway show My Fair Lady famously says “Words, words, words, I’m so sick of words!” but then Elvis Presley and the Bee Gees more realistically...

47,91 $

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Cyber Resilience A Global Challenge

The rapid development of Digital Transformation has enabled profound changes in the strategies and operations across different industries around the world. Yet, this digitalisation has not only opened up new...

39,93 $

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Case Studies

Case Studies in Games-Based Learning

This book, which is a collection of case studies on games-based learning, is a selection of papers which have been presented at the European Conference of Games Based Learning (ECGBL)...

53,24 $

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Spark nigh party dress green

Cras in blandit semper eget interdum lacus ultrices ultricies malesuada magna nullam velit, elit scelerisque imperdiet natoque mi velit volutpat quis nibh sagittis orci sem orci sit feugiat mauris, auctor...

89,99 $

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Alnich night dress navy

Cras in blandit semper eget interdum lacus ultrices ultricies malesuada magna nullam velit, elit scelerisque imperdiet natoque mi velit volutpat quis nibh sagittis orci sem orci sit feugiat mauris, auctor...

199,99 $

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Meena dress maroon

Cras in blandit semper eget interdum lacus ultrices ultricies malesuada magna nullam velit, elit scelerisque imperdiet natoque mi velit volutpat quis nibh sagittis orci sem orci sit feugiat mauris, auctor...

72,50 $

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Excellence Awards

9th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards 2023

The Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards have been held annually for eight years. This year we received 14 case histories for our consideration. After an initial evaluation of...

26,62 $

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Excellence Awards

9th e-Learning Excellence Awards 2023

e-Learning and indeed blended learning are now established integral ways in which education and training are managed and delivered across all levels of education and in the workplace. The International...

66,55 $

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Excellence Awards

9th Teaching Innovation & Entrepreneurship Excellence Awards 2023

Today more than ever Innovation and entrepreneurship skills are desired by both individuals starting out on new business endeavours and to employers. But there has always been an issue surrounding...

39,66 $

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Excellence Awards

Innovation in Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards 2024

The Innovation in the Teaching of Research Methods Excellence Awards is an established annual event. We continue to be encouraged by the interest which has been shown in these Excellence...

26,35 $

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Excellence Awards

10th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards 2024

The Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards have been held annually for eight years. This year we received 9 case histories for our consideration. After an initial evaluation of...

18,37 $

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Excellence Awards

Leading Issues in Knowledge Management Vol 2

Knowledge Management is here to stay. This book is a compilation of a number of important papers on this subject selected by two leaders in this field of study. A...

66,55 $

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Other Titles

Small Business: Journey to Success

Small Business: Journey to Success highlights the issues required to be mastered for the success of a small business over the short term, medium term and the long term.  The...

26,62 $

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Other Titles

An Illustrated Glossary of Honey Bee and Beekeeping Terminology

Like any pastime, beekeeping continually challenges the beekeeper in many ways, not least of which is understanding the seemingly endless terminology surrounding the bee itself, the diseases it faces, as...

39,93 $

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Other Titles

An MBA Voyage of Discovery - Deep down the rabbit hole

An MBA Voyage of Discovery – Deep down the rabbit hole Dan Remenyi The story recounted in this book is my personal feelings about the Business School where I obtained my...

66,55 $

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Grounded Theory - The Reader Series 2nd Edition Softback PRINT version

Grounded Theory is probably the most successful method proposed to social scientists in the 20th century, and this can only be partly attributed to the fact that it is democratised...

18,37 $

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Social Media and Digital Scholarship for Academic Research: A User's Guide

The Internet and the Web contain a treasure trove of tools which can facilitate academic research and accelerate the completion of research degrees. There are tools which are helpful in...

26,62 $

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Modelling Nation-state Information Warfare and Cyber-operations

Since the Stuxnet infection of the Natanz nuclear facility, there has been an evolution of global cyber operations. As demonstrated by the NotPetya, Solarwinds and Hafnium cyber-incidents, as well as...

39,93 $

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Leading Issues

Leading Issues in e-Government Research Volume 2

Leading Issues in e-Government Research Volume 2 brings together a collection of papers looking at the latest ideas in the field. e-Government is a truly international research field which is...

26,62 $

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Leading Issues

Leading Issues in Innovation Research Volume 2

Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Professor  Heather  Fulford  is  the  Academic Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship  and  Research  Coordinator  for the Department of Management at  Aberdeen  Business...

66,55 $

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Leading Issues

Leading Issue in ICT Evaluation Research - Volume 2

Volume 2 of the Leading Issues series is a compilation of ten carefully selected EJISE articles published between 2010 and 2015. These articles, when considered as a whole, reflect the leading...

39,93 $

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Case Studies

Intermediaries for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Published by Academic Conferences and Publishing International We begin this text with an exploration of the successful innovation ecosystem cultivated by Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and how it...

34,60 $

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Excellence Awards

10th e-Learning Excellence Awards 2024

e-Learning, along with blended learning, has become an essential and widely adopted method for delivering education and training at all levels, including in the workplace. The International e-Learning Excellence Awards...

79,86 $

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Excellence Awards

10th Teaching Innovation & Entrepreneurship Excellence Awards 2024

Innovation and entrepreneurship skills are more crucial today than ever, both for individuals embarking on new business ventures and for employers seeking to foster these abilities within their teams. However,...

119,78 $

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Leading Issues

Leading Issues in Cyber Warfare and Security Vol 2

Almost every day sees new reports of information systems that have been hacked, broken into, compromised, and sometimes even destroyed. The prevalence of such stories reveals an overwhelming weakness in...

47,91 $